Thursday, October 13, 2005

oh yes - even MORE

i just can't stop blogging today - the world seems funny to me - my kids are causing me heart stopping panic althernating with side splitting laughter. It's just one of those days!

Julia is wearing a witches hat and walking around talking in another voice some sample Julia the Witch "isms"

"Yes, I'm a witch and I'm here to destroy your little bow Miss Minnie. Prepare for my powers!" ha

"excuse me, could you tell your little witch (indicating Anna) that my witching powers are WAY stronger than hers and she can't stop me!"

Oh my - she sure is dramatic...

And Anna - causing the heart stopping panic!! I was sitting less than a foot from her when she decided to stand up on the chair - and push back - so yes - she flew backwards - knocking the chair down and falling to the ground - smacking her head on the front of the chair. I had the corner of hte table between us so I couldn't grab her. Of course she had rice cake in her mouth - so I thought she was going to choke to death. She's fine. She briefly wailed - but Julia was soooo upset she couldn't stop sobbing. Think she's been a little stressed out??? I kept telling Julia "she's fine - see honey - she's done crying" and here's julia "But momma what if she's really hurt, what will be do" awwwww....

Did I mention it's a late night for Dan...

we're having fish sticks for dinner.. fish sticks and tater tots - can't get much healthier than that... Did I mention that I'm amking the fish sticks from scratch???

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