Thursday, December 29, 2005

Sick, sadistic fun!

First Anna is very concerned as to why people she loves just hung a sweet little Hula girl from her playset.

Then - people begin to swing at it with a big stick and actually HIT her.
After many little heathens beat on her with a stick - she falls to the ground - apparently missing an arm and her torso... legs were flying everywhere.

THEN the heathens RUN in and eat the stuff that was inside her!

Anna runs to the front of the group and grabs her little hula friend - cuddling her decapitated head.... then finding a little sandaled foot - tries to reattach it.

Sick. We're just SICK SICK people.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Happy, Happy 5th Birthday!

So Julia - the story continues...

They came in at 7am to tell me that my induction would be pushed back a little bit since Dr. Ed was in a c-section. At a little after 8am he came in - and we commenced with the fun. As soon as he broke my water - your heart rate took a dive. It was so scary. It finally came back up - but I was put on alert. With each contraction you were having a difficult time. I was so scared for you - but I also knew that Dr. Ed would wisk me away to the OR if you needed to come out right away.

After 4 1/2 hours of super fun labor, vomiting, passing out (the last would be your dad), I was ready to push. Dr. Ed. warned me that if I didn't push you out fast that he'd have to take you by c-section because if you didn't like contractions - you REALLY didn't like it when I was pushing! After 20 minutes of pushing (about 8 or so) you came out. You had the cord wrapped around your neck twice, but pinked up great.

Really - I was finally a mommy. I was so surprised by your big, beautiful brown eyes, and curly dark hair. It's funny to think back on that now that you have such light blonde hair. I knwo I've said it before - but it was truly the first time I wore my heart on the outside.

Now you are 5 - and I wish I could really tell you all that's in my heart for you, but sweetie, words just don't really cut it here. You bring such joy, love, drama and happiness to our days. You are a natural performer who thinks the entire world is a stage. You are so kind to those around you, even Anna who you just adore. I treasure the moments you share with your sister that are based in the pure joy of our love for each other - I love watching you teach her and guide her as I do you.

The moment I found out you would be coming into our lives I fell in love. I used to dance with you in my belly to a CD we still listen to. It's one of my fondest memories, and I like to think it's why you love dancing so much. You are so intuitive and sensitive but share yourself with those around you. I love that about you.

Thank you so much for all you have brought to our lives - and I will struggle each day to do my best in teaching you as you do grow. I can't wait to see you continue to grow up into the beautiful, smart, funny woman I know you will be - but a little sad of losing that same sweet little baby and now girl as you do grow. You are so loved. You will always be special, don't ever forget that.

All my love and I hope you have the happiest of birthdays,


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Happy Birthday Eve, Miss Julia...

I remember every moment of my life 5 years ago with perfect clarity. How many of you can tell me exactly what you were doing on December 27, 2000 at around 7pm.

I for one was eating a delicious dessert at the steakhouse Dan and I loved when we lived in Tucson. I was so nervous and excited that I could barely eat - but starving and excited to be upright all the same!

I had been on bedrest for about 5 weeks at this point - 3 weeks of REAL bedrest (you know, when you really have to think about how badly you have to pee or not since you only get 2 hours of sitting upright time a day!) at the end of my pregnancy with Julia. I had pre-eclampsia and they were watching me and my lovely blood pressure very closely.

Earlier that day I went to see my beloved Dr. Ed for my 37 week check up - and they couldn't get my BP down - even after an hour on my left side. At my 36 week check up they had to send me for a blood panel to check my liver (I think that's the organ they were looking into... ) and things were still ok. Dr. Ed left the room to do something (I'm guessing check his vacation schedule) and came back in and asked me if I wanted to have a baby the next day. My heart lept straight into my throat. I was so excited and scared. He explained that I wasn't going to get better with time - and that he was heading to Cabo on New Years Eve and he didn't want to be out of town when I had a problem (he was a very big believer in delivering his patients babies).

So - Dr. Ed told Dan to take me home - get me packed up and have a fantastic dinner. It would be our last meal alone for a while - and I wouldn't be able to eat again after 8pm. He whipped us into the ultrasound room to make sure our Julia was still head down and ready for delivery - and he estimated her weight at 6 lb 5 1/2 oz.

Dan and I nervously headed out of the office to make our phone calls and final preparations. We made sure we had everything we needed packed - and went to dinner. I had a fabulous prime rib and some sort of cheesecake for dessert.

After our meal we drove to the hospital - in almost complete silence. Dan finally told me he had to go back into work (gotta love the restaurant business) for a couple of hours. I told him just to go home and get some sleep after he was done... since I would be fine at the hospital myself. More anxious silence.

He stayed with me through the check-in, including the mean, mean nurse putting the IV into my arm (right under my thumb - worst place in the world for an IV!) and blowing it - so that blood was everywhere. They did the things they do to prepare your body to do something un-naturally natural (inducement of labor), and told me to call if I thought I went into labor. :)

Shortly there after he headed out and my friend Miss A arrived, bringing lots of magazines, after visiting for a while - I had the room to myself. I watched tv, read magazines and listened to various babies cry around me.

I tried my best to sleep that night - but I was so anxious. I was nervous as to what labor would be like, what my sweet little girl would like, if she'd be ok, if I'd be ok, and what the next 18 years of my life were going to be like as a MOM!

I finally fell asleep around 3am...

Monday, December 26, 2005

Pictures? You want some stinking pictures???

Wow - it's over!

So the big holiday is over. This is always such a bittersweet time of year for me. I love Christmas. Every single stinking part of it - good and bad. In fact, I enjoy that time right up until Christmas Day - that my favorite time of year is the time BETWEEN Thanksgiving and Christmas - not actually the big Day. This year - all that changed.

My kids are awesome. Dan and I were lucky this year - for even though the employment situation caught us off guard and a little light in the pockets - we were blessed to be able to pull off one heck of a Christmas morning for the kids. We had lots of gift cards from various online survey sites, credit card rewards programs... and other sources. Santa already got the girls a Barbie Jeep at a smoking deal back before Turkey Day.

Now - I know what you are thinking - that there is a REASON for the SEASON - right? Listen - before ya'll jump on the holy band wagon with me. Julia GETS it. Anna isn't quite old enough - she doesn't even have a clue what happened yesterday other than - WOW lots of cool stuff showed up. Julia though, she's the first to tell you why Santa brings her presents - because it's Jesus' birthday. :) AND if that wasn't cool enough - she'll also tell you that the reason we give gifts to each other is because we love each other - and the wisemen brought presents to Jesus because they loved him. So - she gets it.

BUT - I also believe just as strongly in that 1-2 hour materialistic free for all of joy and enthusiasm. When my kids get to see that YES Santa came, and that they have lots of cool stuff to play with. There is something to be said from seeing this day through the eyes of children.. and mine are the coolest. :) Every five seconds we heard "oh wow, Santa must really love me" :)

Yes, indeed, Santa really does.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas Eve!!!!

Ok - due to the overwhelming email (and comments - wow 2!!)



You mix 3 unflavored gelatin packs with 1/2 cup COLD water in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment and allow to sit while you make the syrup.
Then mix 1 1 /2c sugar, 1 c light corn syrup, 1/4 ts salt, and 1/2 cup water in a small saucepan and cook over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Then raise the heat to HiGH and holy - and cook until the syrup reaches 240 degrees F on a candy thermometer. Remove from the heat.

Then slowly pour the sugar syrup into the dissolved gelatin - with the mixer on LOW (be careful - hot stuff here) . Put the mixer on high speed and whip until the mixture is very thick, about 15 minutes. Add the vanilla and mix thoroughly.

Then I sprinkled a bit of confectioners sugar in an 9x13 pan - and then dumped the marshmallow batter in the pan (use wet hands to flatten the top and smooth it out)- let it sit for 10-12 hours to dry out a bit. Then I used kitchen shears to cut them into squares and coat with powdered sugar, cocoa or flavored coffee additive.

:) They are sooo fun - but messy.

this is a version of Ina Garten's recipe for coconut marshmallows.

So - there... marshmallows! My thought was - since I was doing presents for under $5 I may as well not just dump those mini marshmallows in a bag...

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Oooohhhh - I sense Martha's new apprentice might be me....

Ok - teachers gifts... We have four to buy for so I had to go homemade = inexpensive.

I made my own hot cocoa mix... and my own MARSHMALLOWS! Yes - really - my own marshmallows...

Not a successful Diva dance recital unless tears are involved...

and tears were indeed involved... my kid doing the crying! Julia had her "Divas" dance recital yesterday. I found out right before class that Julia would be doing the same dance as in her Monday class. Brilliant dance intructor Miss V. never put two and two together that Julia would be doing the exact same dance.

Well - just moments before the recital - Julia's partner for part of the dance refused to participate. Miss V being ever so keen into children's psyches told Julia that she was such a good dancer that she didn't need a partner - that for the partner part she could just get down on her own and boogie.

THat just didn't go over very well. I then took Julia aside and gave her my best parental pep talk including how cool it was to be special, how she was going to do great and Bob Boblaw (Hee hee - little shout out to my folks at Arrested Development there... get it ... bla bla bla...).

So - Dance begins and Julia is doing ok - it was vast departure from her excitment level on Monday - but she was doing the steps. THEN the partner part began and this is where things went from OK to just plain depressing. Julia turned around to grab her partners hands - and remembered there was no partner. Her little shoulders just slumped in defeat... and she just stood there with her back to us during the entire part. She gave a little wiggle here and there - but as her mom - I just knew that when she turned back around, my mommy heart would be ripped from my chest. Sure enough - when she turned around to finish the dance - she had tears streaming down her face. It was like watching a train wreck... you have to look - but you SO don't want to see the pain and suffering that's occuring. She did great though - she knew the steps and tried to wiggle where appropriate -b ut her little heart wasn't in it.

My little Julia is so sensitive. She's always been that way. She tried hard to be independent and crazy - but really, she just wants everyone to like her, for everyone to show her how much you love her - ALL THE TIME. Any kind of punishment or harsh word just breaks her spirit. It's hard to watch. I just want her to be confident and secure... but I know for her - that's going to be hard - and probably a long time coming.

So - here are some pics from this recital... but not a smiley one in the bunch. My poor baby!


Is it Christmas yet?????

Oh man - I just can't wait. It's soooo exciting. I got all of the presents wrapped last night - they sit in hiding - waiting to be unwrapped in mere moments.

So - I am so much worse than the girls - they are being sooo sweet. Maybe it's the fact that I gave them cake for breakfast.... I know - but I don't care. My girls eat broccoli and brussel sprouts... I don't think a couple days of crap for food will hurt. They're having mac and cheese for lunch - and that's just dairy and protein right??? All right - maybe I'll make some edamame too.

For dinner we're having something good... What was that again???

Did I mention it's Christmas Eve Eve Eve???

OH yeah - speaking of more questionable parenting... I just LOVE the holidays because every two minutes they play some sort of a Xmas show for the kids - and my kids eat it up! So not only are they eating crapola - but they are mostly glued to the tv watching "Mickey's Magical Xmas, Mickey's ONce Upon a Xmas, Mickey's Twice Upon a Xmas (not kidding)" or "My Little Pony Minty Xmas" or the old school faves "rudolph, Frosty, Santa Claus is Coming to town" the list just goes on and on....

(Oh don't worry about that either - they are so spazzed out on sugar they run around the house for 1/2 an hour (soooo not kidding here either) and then crash to watch tv - eat more crap and then spaz and run around then crash. It's a vicious cycle. But FUN!

I have to get back to my cleaning --- it's not this often that my kids leave me alone like this!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Almost 5!!!

Julia had her little birthday party at preschool today. She had a blast. She just LOVES her teachers Miss. M and Miss. D . They sang her the Happy Birthday song - and she didn't cry (unlike her Mommy). She was SOOO proud of her little beach cupcakes - that she helped make at every step of the way (ok - it's a bad picture of them - but they really are cute!).

Ok - Dan just called - and Mr. M at the Y said they were the best cupcakes he's ever had --- and wants us to bring in more. I told Dan that I was just taking a picture of the cupcake and he called me a DORK! So - I tried to explain that I was taking a picture for my blog - because I was talking about them - but didn't want to use the picture I had of them because you can see several of the other kids in the picture really well - and I try not to post pics of other peoples kids in my blog without their knowledge...... (whew - deep breath). Then, I hear GIGGLING on the line. GIGGLING. Like a little school girl.

"And what part of that makes you less of a dork, Heather?"

The house has NEVER been cleaner - NEVER!

Talk about a complete and total house overhaul - all in about 25 minutes. I vaccuumed EVERY room, the walls and the ceiling. Wiped down every surface inside and outside - including cleaning the windows. I mean every single window. I stripped the wallpaper in the living room - and in the kitchen.

Whew - I 'm exhausted. But what a good feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know - I'm amazing - did I mentioned mention the square footage is about 5 sq ft! ;) I am remodeling my old dollhouse for the girls for Xmas. Cleaned it out - putting in new wallpaper - washed the window treatments... bought new furniture. I can't wait till they see it. Julia saw it tonight and said "oh momma - is that for me???" when I told her no, that it was mine - she said "oh, someday I hope I get to play with it, it's beautiful." I might be slightly more excited about that than the Jeep.

Ahhhhh - I just love this time of year!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Baking fun...

Today we made our special "shape" cookies (thanks Aunt Tricia for the awesome recipe!) and tonight we'll get them decorated. I also have to bake 25 cupcakes for Julia's birthday break at preschool tomorrow. "5" !!!!!

We're decorating the cupcakes to look like little beaches - and then putting a cocktail umbrella in each. They are going to sing Happy Birthday to her - and eat cupcakes. Sounds like a party to me!

Tomorrow is the last dance recital - and then we will finish our Xmas shopping (need to get Daddy a present!) and order her cake for Julia's birthday party.

Thursday is cleaning and final preparation day (did I mention that tonight and tomorrow night involve wrapping gifts and assembling a wicked cool Barbie Jeep?). I need to make the cocoa mix and marshmallows for the teachers gifts...

Friday is Julia's Xmas party at preschool - and then the Nutcracker and Dinner (maybe Rainforest Cafe?) - and then Saturday and Sunday are our days to relax and enjoy the holiday. I just can't wait... we're in the home stretch now!

My little skater girl...

Julia Dough Kid and her Daddy went on their Daddy/Daughter date this morning. They went ice skating. :) I know - Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Dan said that Julia did great - and only fell twice (once that elicited tears, and once that just needed a brush off). She wasn't understanding the "gliding" concept vs. "walking" on ice - but eventually caught on. It was her very first time. She said that she had an absolute blast. She even let go of Daddy and the side to skate all the way around the rink. YEAH Julia! Then they went out shopping to get me my present. Julia already told me that I'm getting some PJs. :) I just love her. I told her a secret - that I got her PJs too and she was tickled pink.

Our Mommy/Daughter date is on Friday - we're going to see the Nutcracker together. Last year we had a blast. This year Dan and Anna will be meeting us for a nice dinner, Julia said it was ok that they come too since we'll go to the ballet by ourselves.

Dan and I are going to be very busy once all three are old enough for "dates" - We still haven't worked that part out yet.

No - I'm not a paid sponsor...

But man oh man do I have good things to say about the US postal service.

Usually getting my packages out is a BITCH. The PO location here is about 20 minutes away - and there is usually at least a 1/2 hour line (and this is not during prime holiday mailing time) - but I've waited in line for an hour and a half before - with two whiny kids (yes, the Dough kids do indeed whine occasionally).

This year - I shipped out my packages from my home. I can see my dreams of hermit living in the future. ROCK ON! I used some of my boxes (with the cool Priority Mail stickers they delivered) and some of their boxes (which they also delivered to my home) - printed out my mailing labels and put the packages outside of my door. Someone CAME AND GOT THEM (and I think it was a postal employee!). :)

Yes, I know that our friends at Fed Ex, UPS and DHL will also take packages off my hands - from my home - but usually not for their cheaper ground rates - just overnight and 2 day air. - and this year - the prices I paid for shipping beat the hell out of those places. Considering gas prices - I'm fairly certain I saved some there too.

Oh yes - just to avoid the emails - I have heard of such a thing as internet shopping where you order things online and they send them to your loved ones without you having to do a thing... I even used that this year! This year I intermingled some handcrafted items with purchased items... SO THERE.

So - yeah me

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." Lets just hope this part is true!

Recital #1 - Complete success

Julia had her first holiday recital this afternoon and it was sooo cute. Miss Valerie had the girls do their work at the barre - it was so cute. Then they did their little dance to "santa claus, I love you" :)

Nothing like little girls in their faux tutu's - cute little hair things ... cuteness overload!

Julia's the tall one in the middle.... SO CUTE

So - on to Wednesday for Recital #2 (aka the last one)

Sunday, December 18, 2005

This hurts even more than the eye...

Ok - after an afternoon of near solitude (Anna Banana has been a model prisoner - so she received an early pardon and is quietly playing with her dolls/food/books/Little People - oh and by the way - from your emails I sense you are concerned - her prison is her cushy little Pack N Play), I've been catching up with some of my favorite blogs.

First - I realized that most people are apparently too busy with Holiday fun to blog this time of year. Second - I realized that this is the time for introspection on blogs as well as the general public... a time of reflection if you will.

So - this is what I want to share... I have had absolutely bizarre musical tastes throughout the years. Some samplings:

- Disco Duck
- The Chipmunks
- That "oh Mickey your so fine" song
- "Lookin' for love" song
- I had a bout of Quiet Riot and Twisted Sister
- I had a much longer bout of Motley Crue and other hair bands (still actually dig quite a bit of their music)
- In 6th grade I LOVED LOVED LOVED the Beastie Boys (still do)
- Then there was the soft core rap time - Young MC, LL Cool J, ya know..
- (blush) newkidsontheblock (blush)
- I've always had a deep love for that 50s/60s 'oldies' music
- I went through a very, very long term love affair with Pink Floyd (still do love em)
- The Cure

Oh my - I know there's more...

I apparently gave birth to Rocky Balboa...

Anna Dough Kid KOd me with one punch and a grab... and now, sadly enough, she's in baby prison. I'm not sure how long her sentence will be - since the judge and the jury went to a birthday party... but I'm guessing a good long time. The problem for me, the victim, is that baby prison is a hoot to the little slugger. She's having the time of her life in her little cell. Maybe it's the toys? or perhaps the Frosty video she gets to watch. I'm not sure which one.

So - the nitty gritty... Anna was playing a good natured game of HONK THE NOSE when it took a turn for the dangerous. You know the saying "You'll poke your eye out"? Well - she did her damndest to do just that. I ended up with a bloody nose and a scratched eyeball - and then a chuck missing from the underside of my eyelid. Ok - no harm, no foul right? Soooooo wrong. You just don't realize how much you move your eyeball until it's injured.

So - now I look, in the words of the oldest doughkid "kind of weird". With a swollen eye. I even tried napping - but damn if you don't move your eyes in your sleep too!

So - I'll just sit here reading the end of my Patricia Cornwell book with one eye... while Banana hangs out to dry in her little 2 1/2' x 4' cell... I hope the judge/warden gets home in time for food service. I'm not going within 2 feet of that menace.



I have to be honest though - I'm kind of partial to Christmas Eve. All that anticipation... all the fun stuff to do... we have some very nice Christmas Eve traditions in place. We have a great dinner - then go for a long walk to look at Christmas lights. Then we get home and bundle up in our PJs and turn on all the Christmas lights - we watch Christmas movies, eat appetizers ... then this year we'll spend some time in front of the fire out back... then put some cookies out for Santa and some carrots for the reindeer... cuddle up in bed and read some books - including the Night Before Christmas. Then off to sleep with visions of sugarplums in our heads.

So - 6 days, 6 days....

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Friday, December 16, 2005

Let the BAKING begin...

This weekend is baking central. It's time to make the roll out sugar cookies, the sand tarts, and the corn flake wreaths...

gifts to wrap (did I mention we're DONE with the buying portion of our Xmas???)... finishing touches of our decorating...

We're all a little beat down - but working hard on remembering the reason for all this hullabaloo...

So.... ready, set.... GO

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Good-bye to the big red dog...

Well, it's done. Sadly, we had to put our sweet Savannah Smiles down today. Savannah was a birthday gift for Dan almost 7 years ago.

I miss her already - although I do still have all the vomit stains to remind me of her last days.

I don't to go into the details - but apparently it looks like she might not have eaten a rock at all... she was very, very sick. She went downhill very quickly and Dan took her in for her weekly check and the vet was shocked at how quickly she had gotten worse.

I will miss her - her super big, full tooth smiles that earned her the name... her annoying pawing at my legs, her beautiful red with black tinged coat... her big beautiful brown eyes, her funny, silly way.

Her brother Trooper is lost without her - and Julia is just beside herself. Julia has still been talking about losing Gretchen, so I know this is going to take her a while.

So - thanks for letting me vent... Savannah smiles - you will be missed.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

VERY VERY Angry Gingerbreadman....

Julia and I spent the afternoon making a gingerbread house. FUN!

It was actually a whole lot of fun. and it turned out - well - like a 4 year old did it. :) So it's PRECIOUS!!

As we finished it up - Julia noticed that the gingerbread man looked VERY angry... and he is indeed an angry man. Perhaps he's not thrilled with the new look of his home - or because his eyes are on fire...

Monday, December 12, 2005


That would be the sound of me banging my head into the wall in the desperate attempt to make my 2 week long headache go away. GEEZ - it sucks.

Here's a fun side note - (WARNING - GRAPHIC AND DISGUSTING DISCUSSION WITH WAY TMI WILL FOLLOW) Last night involved my first experience with projectile vomiting. I haven't felt stellar in the last couple of days - and Sunday involved pure exhaustion. I got home from Tucson and took a nap. When I woke up I was feeling a big sick to my stomach - so I headed into the bathroom... I walked in about a foot and then projectile vomited the remaining 3 1/2 feet to the toilet. I made IT! Oh my. What a surreal experience. Who knew the body was truly capable of projecting it's own contents that far.... (well - for us women anyway). My face is covered with petechia (broken blood vessels)... my neck muscles hurt... and I think I strained my eyeballs...

I feel ok today - other than a terrible sinus headache...


Stolen from Joanna.... :)

1. What did you do in 2005 that you'd never done before? Had a level II ultrasound??

2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?I didn't make any last year - but I have some for 2006!

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?Lots of people! My SIL had my nephew Hayden, my friend Julie had her son Ethan, Joanna had Lily, OY I know I'm forgetting someone!

4. Did anyone close to you die? no - thank God

5. What countries did you visit?None but we did get around - Disneyland (2 times!), Maine, San Diego, Michigan

6. What would you like to have in 2006 which you lacked in 2005? Energy!

7. What date from 2005 will remain etched in your memory, and why? August 9, 2005 - :) when we found out our littlest bambina would be joining us.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Getting through it!

9. What was your biggest failure? Not really MY failure - but the loss of our baby that was due in October.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury? August - November were a blur of morning sickness... and I'm currently sick - but other than that... I'm good.

11. What was the best thing you bought? Plane tickets to Michigan

12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Dan. He's the man.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? This one is a secret.

14. Where did most of your money go? Mortgage and car payment... :(

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Disneyland trips, going to Maine- both babies...

16. What song will always remind you of 2005? ????

17. Compared to this time last year, are you: Happier or sadder? Thinner or fatter? Richer or poorer? I think I'm happier, believe it or not - thinner and currently poorer. But not for long.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of? Smiling

19. What do you wish you'd done less of? Vomiting - but it's worth it for this healthy baby

20. How will you be spending Christmas? At home with Dan and the Doughkids. :)

21. Did you fall in love in 2005? Yes

23. How many one-night stands? Not this year - pregnancy puts a damper on that...

24. What was your favourite TV program?The Biggest Loser was amazing - but I LOVE Grey's Anatomy

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? Not HATE - but dislike - yes

26. What was the best book you read? I just finished Eragon and Eldest

27. What was your greatest musical discovery? Jack Johnson, The Killers, Radio Disney...

28. What did you want and get? I didn't know I wanted it then - but this little one...

29. What did you want and not get? Please don't take this the wrong way but it's the only thing I can thikn of!!! A son. (This was Joanna's quote - but I think I'm going to second it)

30. What was your favorite film of this year? Probably Spanglish... I can't really remember any others right now (only saw Madagascar, Star Wars and Chicken Little IN theaters this year)

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old did you turn? I turned 30 - and had dinner at Peter Piper Pizza for Julia's soccer party. Dan did take me to Black Angus for dinner before my birthday though..

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?Having a free housekeeper (umm yeah - I'll second JOanna on this)

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2005? Jean shorts and v neck t-shirts - NOW maternity jeans - and v neck t shirts... :)

34. What kept you sane? Who says I am... I'm pretty sure I'm not.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Well - Patrick Dempsey (STILL) :)

36. What political issue stirred you the most? I'm not going there...

37. Whom did you miss? So many people right now... it's quite pathetic. Let's see - my grandparents, my Aunt Pam, Uncle Butch and Aunt Ha ha, my parents, Dan's family, my friends in Michigan... my Maine friends and family... and sadly - my little one I could have been holding in my arms right now.

38. Who was the best new person you met? Well - the BEST was meeting the Meek man again, I can't tell you the smiles he brought into my life. Kathy and Joanna were the best thing to come from the Y... and I'm so glad I met them, I just wish I could see them more often!

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005: My life needs to change - and doing it rather than talking about it is the only thing that makes the difference. LIfe is short - don't waste it on things that bring you pain.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: This one is easy...

Hear 'em singing Happy Birthday
Better think about the wish I made
This year gone by ain't been a piece of cake
Every day's a revolution
Pull it together and it comes undone
Just one more candle and a trip around the sun
I'm just hanging on while this old world keeps spinning
And it's good to know it's out of my control
If there's one thing that I've learned from all this living
Is that it wouldn't change a thing if I let go
No, you never see it coming
Always wind up wondering where it went
Only time will tell if it was time well spent
It's another revelation
Celebrating what I should have done
With these souvenirs of my trip around the sun

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Her first Xmas parade!

Today Julia was in her first Christmas parade. It was a strange situation indeed - to be sitting in the sun - in 70 degree weather - watching holiday floats go past the beautiful palm trees! It couldn't have been anymore surreal - or pleasant!

She was on float #9 so we only had to see the first 20 minutes of the festivities before we had to pick her up from the Kiddie Korral and take her to her best buddies bday party.

It was such a wonderful sight - my sweet little girl - up on that big float - having a blast. I'm so proud of her. She was in the front row... look hard to find her!

Fa la la la la the holiday spirit

I'm happy to announce that my husband is not longer gainfully employed. Yes, he and his employer have parted ways.

Although a surprise - we are happy none the less. Dan has been ready to move for a long time.

Christmas is not a great time for this - but it was SOOOOO time.

So - lets all drink a Guinness in honor of Dan. hip hip horray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Da kids do da Polar Express...

So - the girls and I headed down South to pick up the Dough kids Meemaw. Then we headed back North and drove the 4 hours to the polar Express.

We got there right before we needed to board the train and after getting dressed in our PJs - we headed on to the train.

We had a great time - reading the book - singing Christmas carols - seeing Santa.

We then waited in line to see the Mr. Claus himself. More fun ensued and we're now back safe and sound at home.

Ready for more holiday festivities to begin...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Dough kid Pirate ship...

I know a good portion of parenting forces me to live in kind of a surreal make believe world. Some days I spend hours wearing a crown as Julia Dough kid and Anna Dough kid shove plastic food down my throat. Some days I'm camped out under the blanket in the new fort/space shuttle/car.... other days I'm the child while Julia Dough kids "huns" me to death as she role plays being the mom.

Today - I am a lowly plebe on a pirate ship full of ferocious, ruthless and rude "mateys". Anna doughkid is walking around "argh"ing... and Julia dough kid has said "shiver me timbers" no less than 3,589,743 times... hell... add one more.

I better go - it's time for me to walk the plank...

Savannah watch ... Day 9

Well - we took Savannah to the vet - and had a curve ball thrown at us. Her vet doesn't feel that doing the surgery will affect her future quality of life -and doesn't feel that there is any medical reason NOT to do the surgery.


There goes our moral ground for choosing not to do surgery. Our old vet - who performed 3 of the 4 previous GD rock removal surgeries told us she wouldn't do anymore...

So - the vet said the only reason at this point not to do the surgery is A) money (to to the tune of about $1200-1600) and B) the fact that she's likely to run out and do it again very soon.

So - we need to decide soon what we'll do.

I'm just not sure I'm prepared to make these kinds of decisions right now... I WANT to do the surgery. We don't have the money - but isn't that what credit is for? I just don't want to keep going down this path. The last time it was a two year, four surgery, 7 rock (she passed 3 on her own) deal. It was a lot of money, time, tears and stress. Now with Dough kid #3 on the way - I just wonder if I'm up for it again. This is already her 2nd rock eating event in two weeks.

She's slipping though... she has begun the BIG vomit... the kind where you believe that she has NOTHING left in her body...

oh yeah - did I mention that we now have to replace the carpet in two rooms - and NOW our couch?? :(

I just don't know what to do.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Savannah Smiles

My sweet little girl - Savannah Jane is very sick. I got her for Dan's birthday - we'll have had her for 7 years (we think!) in February.

She had a problem eating rocks over 5 years ago - and had 4 intestinal surgeries. We're now having to make some big decisions. She hasn't eaten in almost a week... and she's still vomiting and now won't take water either. I'm soooo worried - but also mad. Why are we put in this situation?? It's not that she has a life threatening disease that we're struggling to fight... it's something she's doing to herself. It breaks my heart to be in this position. Do we go all out and do the surgery and put her future quality of life at risk by yet another intestinal surgery? We were told the last time by her vet that she didn't want to do anymore - it just significantly weakens her intestinal walls. BUT - she could come out and be fine. So we are torn there - and then - we can't guarantee that she wouldn't go out and eat another rock the next day.... and we'll be back in the same situation. We spent $6000 in 2 years the last time she did this.

It really isnt' about the money - BUT it is about the use of the money. We don't know if we'd just be throwing the money away by having her pull a repeat performance right away.

Tomorrow she has an appointment with the vet. We'll make our decision tomorrow.

I know that I'll get some angry replies to this - but really - I wanted to get it out there. I knwo others have been there and I hope you understand.

It even SMELLS like Christmas (m)

yes - the dead tree has now inside our house. It smells delicious! I really love this smell.

I do find it kind of strange to cut down a living plant - pay big bucks for it - bring it inside - decorate it - sit around and ooh and ahh for a couple weeks - then get rid of it.

but I love the smell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (in my whiniest voice!!)

Dan has decided we're going cut it down and burn it in our fire bit at the end of it's life (well - after we're done admiring the dried out carcass).

Sunday, December 04, 2005

We have tree...

So - we went tonight and got our tree. The girls had a blast running around. They were wearing their new t-shirts from Miss. Kathy... aren't they CUTE!

We ended up with an 8 ft Doulas Fir... it's a purdy one.

Of course - we get home - ready to set it up and let it warm up - and Dan realizes he can only find ONE part to our stand. You know - the new high tech stand... he even sold our trusty old stand last year - you know -the kind with the screws...

So - it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... well - smell like Xmas...

Craft Fair - part II

The craft fair today was much more successful than the last one. I sold about 60% of my hair bows - and so I finally made some $$. Unfortunately - At this point - I think I'm about even ... hee hee

I guess that means that anything I sell on Tuesday is profit - right?

I also have had a lot of custom orders from friends too - and there is nothing cooler than seeing something you made in a little girls hair! I wouldn't really know what it would look like in my own girls hair - considering Anna refuses to let them in her hair for more than 1 minute and Julia is about 10 minutes.

I'm going to make a couple more from my ribbon for the fair on Tuesday.. it's the YMCA appreciation day - and so it will be fun - the girls will get to see Mr. and Mrs. Claus.

Friday, December 02, 2005


Dan often sits in wonder at my blog here - not at my excellent writing skills, quick wit or sense of family - but at the fact I think anyone else cares!

So - he came home full of smiles to tell me what he heard on NPR about blogging... he doesn't remember who said it - so I can't attribute it correctly - but It was NOT Dan's original thought - so don't send the intelectual property police to my house...

"Blogging is great because it's a one person stand up act, and the bad thing about a blog is that it's like a one person stand up act."


What is wrong with me??? (SHUT THE HELL UP - I already know that! and that.... ok - I get it - there's a lot wrong with me - but I'm talking about something in particular!)

Last night - while reading the Men's Health Tech Guide - they ooohed and awwwwwed over the new Airstream Base Camp.... I fell in love - and immediately beckoned Dan so we could look it up online. Do I camp? NO? Do I do outdoorsy things that require a camping vehicle? NO? But I WANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNT it! It's only 2300lbs and you can tow it behind most vehicles without significantly imacting fuel economy .... it's ONLY $20K! So - I'm crazy - I completely understand that.

Oh yeah - it has a pull out tent that practically DOUBLES your space.

Yes - crazy... I know.

SO - my thought process is - we have a minivan we love and we can all ride comfortably in (all 5 of us!!) and so instead of paying for airfare and hotels - we can travel in our van - and stay in the airstream.

It's FREE to camp at Walmart.

AH ha ha ha ha ha ha hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Out of the mouth of babes....

Ok - Julia is just one of the funniest kids ever... and I'm only slightly biased!

Last night Julia was explaining to me how she will be SOOO nice to the new baby, and never be mean to her. I asked her why she was mean to Anna then - and she said - without missing a beat - "well, Anna's on my list" I think - but I'm not sure - she was referring to her shit list. Wonder where she get's this stuff from!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Break it on down...

Julia has a new skill and interest... break dancing! It's hilarious to watch ... she is actually pretty good. She gets down and spins on her back and has some real hip moves.

And she's cute.

I love her!


That's it.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

ho ho ho - SUCK

Well - my Dan man won't be joining us on the Polar Express this year. I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad. He loves these things and I know he looks forward to these moments with his kids...

He requested time off for this event in SEPTEMBER but won't be able to go because his boss is unable to schedule a meeting for any date other than the ONE day dan has requested time off in December... what a loser. Gotta love the company that respects the family. It's our one big annual family holiday outing...

We're sad... a beautiful family memory we've been looking forward to for a year - and then smoooooshed by DA MAN!


Da Dough Baby is doing swell...

Had my 23 week appointment today. I've gained 10 lbs total... and he's really happy with that (I only gained 8 lbs TOTAL with Anna), and I have to go in for another level II ultrasound soon.

Everything looked great - I measured 1 cm ahead - so that's really good for a fluffy girl like me.

Her (the yet un named Dough kid) heartbeat was a strong 162 bpm and she moved around a lot for them.

Dat's all.

Go forward and spew forth...

Ugh - life is stressful. I'm doing ok - but UGH - if I have to clean up dog vomit ONE more time.... I'm done.

Our DAMN sweet dog - Savannah is pissing me off. She vomited all over on Tuesday and Wednesday... we left hours late for the rents place because we had to run her to the vet. The vet agreed that there wasn't much to do (she is a rock eater... used to eat BIG rocks - has had 3 blockages that required surgery - and cost us BIG BIG $$$$$$) since her intestines are weak now after the other surgeries... so we decided to treat her again. Give her small amounts of food and water... medicate her... keep her from getting dehydrated.

Well - THURSDAY she crapped out a big old rock and was back to her normal self. UGH! It's been about 4 years since she's eaten a rock. I'm not doing this again. The vet thinks that she's depressed, which makes sense since I stopped working and I've been home with her. Big freaking baby.

So - what is she up to again now ----- vomiting all over again ----- all over our carpet. We went from having some decently clean carpet to most likely have to replace the carpet in at least our playroom and maybe our living room too.

Thanks for letting me bitch... ya know I'm mostly just worried about having to put Savannah down - but really - stop eating the DAMN rocks!

Monday, November 28, 2005


Ok - doing my best Swedish chep impersonation here....

last night we had our turkey... this was really funny. We thawed it, and it was ready to go... had it in the oven at around 230p ish .... expected to eat around 630p at the latest.

Go ahead - guess what time we ate????????????????????????????? 9pm!

It was the longest turkey cooking in creation. It was abso-lutely delicious though. I didn't know turkey could be so moist and tender. YUM. I stuffed the inside with a quartered apple and I think that helped - it was releasing steam as it cooked. I don't know if that's really what did it - but it was yummo.

My dressing was great, the taters were - well - taters, and the cranberry sauce was from a can! Oh yeah - the green bean casserole was toasty hot - that's a new thing for me - usually it's lukewarm at best.

Now - for breakfast - my pumpkin pie!

Yahoo search results..

This adorable little search by someone who visited my site was searching for PAZAGNA


dadoughkids: We made it to Michigan
... It's official! Ben Stiller likes 'pazanga' - 15k - Cached - More from this site - Save - Block

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Happy belated Turkey day!

We spent our Thanksgiving with my parents and "uncle" down South and had a very nice visit. We stayed in a hotel and that worked out for the best.

The food was delicious and the company wonderful. My parents neighbors came to dinner and they were friendly - and Julia just loves Mrs Shela!

It was nice to be somewhere where the temps were under 60 - we were actually cold walking into the hotel last night! :) YEAH!


Friday, November 25, 2005

Da Dough Kids do Turkey Day...

So - here is Julia in her beautiful Thanksgiving Day outfit - and a blurry one with Anna too - she was not having anything to do with pictures today! Notice their boots ------ sooooooo cute!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Over the river and through the woods...

Yep - we're heading on out... our neighbor and neighborhood watch KING is going to be keeping an eye on the house and the cat and the fish and dogs...

We're heading down South we'll be back soon!


Oh yeah - check back for some precious Dough girl pictures in their Gymboree for Turkey day!

Love ya'll!

ok - it's official! Julia is better!

Man I wish I had her immune system. She's a little sleepy still - but no fever and her appetite is back. We'll encourage her to take it easy for the next 2-3 days... but I think she's ok!

Maybe it was just allergies - with a fever.

Now - if only I could move this huge dust cloud from over our heads - my allergies are gonna kill me!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

It's official - Julia is sick!

How do I know??? Well - she slept during the daytime for starters!! Julia has not willingly napped since around her 2nd birthday. She actually ASKED to take a nap.

Her forehead hurts, her mouth (pointing to her throat) hurts, she has a fever and she's just feeling poopy. Did I mention she was cranky all morning?

I've had a bad sinus headache for a couple days and haven't felt great - but blamed it on allergies and being pregnant. Anna has also been congested - but she's getting 3 new teeth and 2 of her molars are still coming in so I figured that was to blame.

The little sick one is just laying on the couch with her blanket and pillow - watching tv and sipping ice water. It funny how fast they go downhill - just this morning she was happily telling me what to put in my blog. :)

Julia's blog

Julia - "anna's so cute, I like her as a bunny. I want to say - Julia's good and bad, sometimes she's a little good and some bad sometimes. Anna want to want to say to the blog?"

Anna - "yeah"

Julia - "I want to say Miss. Andrea is cute. She's cute. And I want to say Callaway is so good. Anybody is cuter than the world. My mother is cute. Heather is cute. hee hee. I'm talking about this Heather" (hugs me) "Anna is so cute I want to kiss her on the cheeck" "radio Disney is fun. I love love Andrea." "I want a Barbie Jeep for Christmas. Ummm. that's pretty much it"

Whoo hoo - we have monitoring...

Do you feel like you are being watched???



Monday, November 21, 2005

Oooooh yeah... 22 weeks!

Dat's about all - I'm 22 weeks pregnant.

Little female thing is moving around more and more. She's still delicate like her biggest sister so that's good.

Dr's appt on Nov 29. Have to go to the lab this week to give blood - prenatal stuff. NO biggie...

Whip it... whip it good... whip it real good!!

I think someone is channeling Divo...

Sunday, November 20, 2005


It's done... the invites are out for the 5th annual cookie exchange. I don't really know if this is the 5th annual - but I think so! ;)

I'm so excited. I just love having people over to enjoy each other's company - there are always new people to meet and old friends to see... and yummy food and delicious cookies. It just feels like the holidays when you share it with others.

FIre... fire.... fire... fire

Had a nice evening with the fam sitting outside in the somewhat chilly evening (50s-60s I think!) enjoying a nice toasty - wood crackling fire. It's not quite the same as sitting on the beach in Maine with your toes digging into the cold sand, hearing the water quietly lap at the beach and the explosion of stars overhead (well, we do have a lot of stars out here too). And even though the company tonight was top notch and my favorite people on Earth... it's also not the same as sitting around with some of your OTHER favorite people on Earth that you only see once a year. :) That said - it was really nice.

We roasted marshmallows, we swung on our big patio swing, we had S'mores (ok - we didn't have chocolate so we raided the Halloween candy and used Reese's Peanut butter cups and Kit Kats) and we talked. Julia kept going inside for more toys, clothes and just stuff in general - and Anna alternated between being precious and playing with her duck and being aggravated as hell at having to wear not only clothes - but clothes with SLEEVES. The dogs kept barking... at all the other dogs... and you could hear people talking all over the place. So - that alone was different. It's not very often sitting in Maine on the beach that you hear a car alarm go off! ;)

Still - it was nice.

Julia wants to get in her PJs and read Night Before Christmas outside by the fire this year on Christmas Eve - and I'm thinking we just might do that. Get some cookies, cuddle up on the swing and watch the fire and read our book. Then go to bed and wait for Santa to come. I wonder if he'll come down our Firepit?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Sick in the head...

Yes - I know for a fact that I'm sick in the head. The kids are no longer in the room - they are busily playing in the playroom - but I'm still watching Little Einsteins - in fact - I think I just watched my 3rd episode when they aren't even in here!!

OK pics...

It's about time...

Not that I want to jinx it - but I am FINALLY feeling this little princess move on a somewhat frequent basis. YEAH! I was days away from ordering a stork radio (fetal doppler) to keep a listen to the little on.

It was the same way with Julia - I felt her move really early on - but then she stopped until I hit around 22-24 weeks. With Anna - I felt her move at 16 weeks and she never EVER stopped. Dan felt her for the first time at 22 weeks!

So - I have hope that the littlest princess might be mellow like her biggest sister!

:) ahhhh relief!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005



Anna just came up and stabbed me violently in the arm with a farging Bic pen - then laughed like a hyena at my cries!

Thank God for the small things....

Like your husband taking the earlier flight home - and surprising you! :) I'm so glad - just when I think I've used all my super mommy skills to entertain two busy girls - and I'm about to turn into CRANKY mommy - Daddy's home!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - time for a bath....


Vocab of an almost 18 month old...

Some of you (I think the grandparents might be guilty party??? ;) ) have asked me what Anna says/signs now. This is what I can remember -


She says - "hi" "bye" "daddy" "mommy" "thethe" (sissy) "who-ya" (Julia) "juju" "doggie" "sweeeetie" "all done" "dank you" "Cuse me" "DORA" "mambo" (Elmo) "bay-beeeeeee" "ball"

Don't forget - "peee-u" "tinky" "nasty" "YUCKY"

This afternoon I was changing her diaper and she said "dat's nasty" Julia and I laughed and laughed and laughed. I told Julia I think we need to start watching what we say about her now!

I know there is more - but it just escapes me.... she is at a stage where she pretty much repeats anything she hears! It's cute!

Edited to add: "hahn-d" (hand - and she holds hers out!) "git doggie" "OUT"

Still thinking of more....

Monday, November 14, 2005

I've been tagged....

Here goes:
1. Go into your archives.
2. Find your 25th post.
3. Post the fifth sentence (or closest to it).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other people to do the same thing.

Here it is: So - we're moving on to the dining room area - you ask - "what could you possibly accumulate there?" well - it's mounds of craft stuff for Julia. It was very well organized - but allow a 4 year old access to this on a regular basis and it's met it's match.

I now Tag: Joanna W, Kelly, Jan, Christine, Bob and Suzanne

Saturday, November 12, 2005

My new nanny

Dan and I have decided that we just can't afford not to -and we have a new nanny for little Anna. She is a wonderful young lady who Anna just adores. We've given her the room next to ours and although we still get up with Anna at night - our new nanny takes care of practically everything else!

She understands Anna's unique personality and loves her just as much as we all do. She does most of the bathing - washing her hair and helping her rinse off. She has recently started to change the poopy diapers, she absolutely loves feeding her as well. Play time isn't the same either - they are practically joined at the hip all day. She is sooo good with her. They dance together, read books, play with her toys. She's just great.

The main thing we're concerned about -aside from age - is that she can be quite violent. Don't get me wrong - it's often in direct retaliation from violence Anna began - but I can't stand the thought of ANYONE hurting my baby! OK - I admit - there are some more issues - our new nanny does occasionally have a hard time accepting our authority as Anna's parents - and rarely she forgets her duties and leaves Anna on her own.

Yes, yes, as I'm sure you've guessed I'm talking about Julia. It is amazing how the dynamic in their relationship has changed recently. Julia is being much more helpful. They were playing in her room earlier today - and when I stopped in to check on them - I found Julia 75% of the way into changing Anna's poopy diaper. She was doing a GREAT job. Don't worry - it's not something we allow her to do on her own. Oh yeah - during bath time - Dan and I are always with them too. I can already see the emails... NO - we don't usually make her do these things. Yes occasionally we need her to help out - but it's rare. She really likes to help out - and she is just soooo proud of herself when she can.

I think we lucked out though with Julia - since I'm guessing Anna won't be such a great Nanny for the new baby!

I'm getting crafty!

I've been making hair bows for weeks and weeks. The first craft fair was sort of a bust - I sold some - and made some money - but the entire festival was a huge disapointment for the PTO.

I have two more craft fairs - one really big one and one small one. I'm excited about both of these. Especially after my bow class - I have some absolutely precious hair bows now. I make the TIE kind ( I had photos - but can't find them right now) which are so much fun, Korkers (the curly ones) and now three different kinds of traditional bows. Now I have friends placing orders - and I have to admit - it's just a lot of fun. I really like making these for people. It's cool to see little girls wearing something I made.

Now - I have taken up another project for the holidays - I'm making Letters from Santa for some friends kids and have now started taking orders from some of their friends.... Santa is swamped this time of year and employs computer savy folks like me to help respond to letters (he of course does the final edit and hand signs each one - and mails them DIRECTLY from the North Pole so they have a North Pole Cancellation). This is such a blast. I know lots of little kids are going to be so excited to get their letters and I played a part in it! I custom write EACH letter for the individual kid including their names, age and some accomplishments from the year - all info that I get directly from the jolly old elf himself. ;)

Next on my list is making BIG bows for the craft fair for packages and decorations.

Then it's on to Xmas baking!! Cookie exchange is coming right up - and I always like to have extra treats to put into my Xmas packages for shipping!

Oh the weather outside is frightful....

So - here I am just dying to get the holidays under way - and this weather is NOT cooperating! Yes - we've been granted a temporary reprieve fr0m the high 80s and 90s - but still - 80s? in November?????

I'm ready to get on with this season already!

I'm so excited about the holidays!!! I can't wait - but I'd like to see some 60 degree weather!

Friday, November 11, 2005


Do you hear it??? What is that sound? It sounds vaguely like a little duck that's somewhere in my house. Ok - we have crickets... I recognize that sound! but what is this KACK KACK KACK KACK???

Ok - sound seems to be following the littlest member of our non-fur/non-gilled family...

maybe she has a duck stuck in her butt..

Well - it IS indeed little Anna. She is walking around in circles talking with her big old Duck - alternating kissing him, eating his nose, carrying him around by the bill (ummm - it's stuck in her mouth!).... then quietly whispering "kack, kack, kack, kack" alternating by screaming at the top of her lungs "KACK KACK KACK KACK KACK"

Julia - the sweet little one - has been crashed out for a while... awwwww......

PS - the baby is on it's way!!!!! lots of easy labor vibes to Melissa - and my prayers are with you guys for a healthy delivery and healthy nephew!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Gymbo heaven

Yep - I've done it now. I broke down and bought into the Gymboree addiction! I've always been extremely frugal with my children's clothes buying purchases - Target, Wal-mart... the word clearance usually goes hand and hand with the clothes I buy.

Now - with 2 more little girls to wear Julia's hand me downs - Dan decided last night that spending a little more than $2 on a shirt wasn't too bad of an investment. So - to I went. Of course it's Winter Sale time - so I got 30% off everything - including sale items! I was really impressed. I rarely ever just buy a bunch of clothes at one time. Usually it's piece by piece as I pick through the clearance and sale racks at the aforementioned bargain huts. After I saw my final total - I was really nicely surprised at the cost of each item. I also bought two little xmas dresses - for $20 less EACH then I was going to spend - so that was great!

I'm so excited that I have such absolutely adorable outfits for the girls for pretty much the same price as if I had bought them at Target or Wal-mart (probably on sale - but definitely not their clearance prices).

I never even broke a sweat!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Sisters are the best...

Love this makeover! I really think Julia is stuck in the 80s! ;)

Awww - little bowhead!

This absolutely doesn't look like Anna in the second picture - but she was NOT thrilled about having a bow in her hair - AND about having her picture taken.

WHoo hoo! Shots!

ok - it's not really that exciting. Julia got her flu shot yesterday. She wasn't thrilled about it going into it - but she did great - didn't even flinch.

Anna had her 15 month check up yesterday (OF COURSE I REALIZE SHE'S 17 MONTHS!) and it went well. She impressed the nurse and the doctor with her vocab (not so much the quantity - but the damn cute quality!) - and her amazing yeast infection. Yep - that nasty diaper rash is indeed a yeasty beasty. Sometimes momma DOES know somethings (yes Dan - that is a BURN on you!).

She's now 25 lbs 9 1/2 oz... which I guess puts her in the 75% or something - and we didn't get her height or head measurements - but her height puts her in the 70% and her head is in the 90%. Yep - she's really a Dough kid.

Then - she had an arsenal of 4 shots. Must suck to be a kid.

Danny boy and I get our flu shots next week. Can you just tell how excited I am!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It never ENDS - the cuteness just NEVER ends!

Dear God - must restrain from all these cuteness... seriously I'm not sure that I can handle anymore .... PLEASE - STOP!!!

Ok - Anna has learned a new word... "HUG" - for CRIPES Sakes - "HUG"!!! I'm serious that you just can't withstand this kind of power! Not only does she say "HUG" she reaches her little arms up to you and really does want to hug.

As if that wasn't enough.... then she turns to her big sister and says "HUG" and then runs to her and hugs her.



Monday, November 07, 2005

and it begins....

The advertising onslaught directed at my young for the Christmas holidays. Every two minutes I hear - "hey mom - I want that!" Julia hordes her Toys R Us and Target Toy books like a hard core street vet hordes their crack rock. I even find her in the bathroom perched on the throne - - eagerly combing through the magazines for something her little coveting mind might have missed the first 20 times.

The good news is - she is faithful to her original list. STILL - I will probably wait a couple more weeks to buy the specifics for her. And Anna - I've been pretty much done with her for months. :) Awww - to buy presents for the young when they have no say!

OH yeah - did I mention that Dan the man grew awfully tired of my Grinch act - and broke down and finally bought Julia the Barbie Jeep she's wanted for 3 consecutive Christmas'. Now - he did it in typical Dan fashion - looked at no less than 50 stores - and using a handful of coupons - saved almost $100!!! Rock on Dan. You the man and I bow down to you for your thrifty adoration of our spawn. His argument is "she obviously wants it - and now she has 2 little sisters to pass it down to" She'll be SOOOOOOOOO excited.

So - Christmas is coming - can you hear the the cash registers chiming???

Satan DOES have manners!

Satan (aka our sweet Anna Bella) really does have manners! When I gave her a piece of string cheese this morning - her reply - CLEAR as a bell - "DANK YOU!" and she merrily went off to beat on the closest life form she can find.

Ahhhhh - so damn cute for one so EVILE! ;)

Sunday, November 06, 2005

20 weeks, 20 weeks, 20 weeks....

Yes - I am indeed 20 weeks pregnant. Crazy. :) Baby is doing well - momma is hanging in there!

Friday, November 04, 2005


I hate, hate, hate when people complain aimlessly about the weather... there is nothing you can do about it - and quite frankly - it's just annoying!

That said - I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sick of this heat. Enough is enough. I don't think that November and 90 degree temps should be synonymous. EVER - well unless you are in the Southern Hemi - which I'm NOT.

I was thrilled to find out I'd be pregnant Aug - March - the baby would be OUT by the time it got unbearable here in the inferno of AZ... but this summer has not ended.

We are still suffering $200-300 electric bills. I FINALLY turned off the A/C and opened the windows to let the refreshing 90 degree stifling heat permeate every crevice of our house. This is suppsoed to be an energy efficient house - and if by energy effiecient you mean holds heat like a old school oven - then yep - we have energy efficiency!

Ok - enough bitching. I'm going to go get some more ice water - and pray the sun goes down early tonight and we can drop 10 degrees!

The Donald has something going for him...

Yes - he has VERY VERY bad hair, and a stupid catch phrase... but man - he makes for good tv. The Apprentice and the bastard stepdaughter - Martha's Apprentice are the only realy Reality TV shows that I enjoy - and boy do I love them.

I think more often than not they (THE DON, and Marty S) get it right - but I think it's hard for them to really understand the extent of the crazies that they have... Marcus for the DON and Jim for Marty.

How many times in my careers would I have loved to FIRE the asses of the people around me. Ok - and in real life - I have SO many people I would FIRE. At least Marty's "YOU DON'T FIT".

People on my list to get FIRED:

* That crazy neighbor in my backyard that has a big ass Rooster that crows all freaking night.... even if it's against the CCR's.

* The lady at the YMCA who asks me 100 times if I have my ID - even though it's scanned and I already told her yes

* Dan - since he won't get up right this exact second and get me another brownie

* The people who drive 25 miles too fast down my road and skid around the corner in front of my house

* OK - strike Dan - he got me my brownie - so he's good

* People who keep sending me these damn bills - as if I had lots of money sitting around I wouldn't send it to them on good faith... :)

* The little rail thin skinny things at the pool who bitch about that ONE dimple in their thigh that is probably a freckle to their best buddy with them - who has probably an extra 50 lbs on them... :)

* Walgreens - because they have managed to end up on EVERY single stinking corner EVERY where... sometimes with 2-3 stores in a mile span

* People who have already put out their Christmas decorations. I haven't taken my Halloween decorations down yet... C'Mon folks - give me a little love here!

* While I'm on that subject - the fact that Christmas themed items have been in stores for a month or two already!

* My maid - my house is a mess and I'm paying her GOOD money to keep my shit off the floor (aw hell - that's me.... I'm firing my damn self)

I'm sure my list could go on and on....

Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle

Anna is just cracking us up lately. Her little sense of humor has emerged and she's just like her big sister - a complete and total ham. She makes everyone around her laugh.... tonight at Julia's swim class she had the other mom's doubled over with laughter.

She's started growling like a tiger - and it's a very deep, gutteral growl - accompanied by making her little hands into paws and a huge smile - then followed by giggles at your reaction.

She also has started tickling everyone/thing around her - and makes the CUTEST little "tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle" sounds.

She is just funny - desperate to make those around her laugh. The best part for me is that her favorite audience is her big sister. Her biggest giggles and smiles are saved for when she makes "thissy" laugh!

I just see our future - dancing, singing little clowns! I see many a pratfall in my future!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Theft on the internet....

This was stolen from a blog who stole it from another. I don't know who it originates with - but it looked fun!

10 Favorites:
Favorite Season: Fall back East - or at least North!
Favorite Sport: I guess baseball
Favorite Time: the gloaming
Favorite Month:May - or December
Favorite Actor: John Cusack
Favorite Actress: Jodie Foster?
Favorite Ice Cream: Right now - any!
Favorite Food: pizza
Favorite Drink: water
Favorite Place: the beach

9 Currents:
Current Feeling: tired and a bit annoyed
Current O/S: I think it's Windows 98
Current Windows Open: Microsoft Excel, Inbox, My jewels
Current Drink: water
Current Time: 1215p
Current Mobile(s) Used: Sprint
Current Show on TV: Rolie Polie Olie
Current Thought: nap time!
Current Clothes: orange t- stretchy jean shorts

8 Firsts:
First Nickname: ???
First Kiss: Justin Busche - in Texas
First Crush: Probably the same as above
First Computer: A DOS system - it was my dad's
First Vehicle I drove: the green turd - a Subaru wagon
First Job: Circle of Health Partnership
First Movie: Either Song of the South or Flash Gordon I think
First Pet: Con - a white German Shepherd and Sam - a black German Shepherd
First Shave: Jr. High??

7 Lasts:
Last Chai (Tea) : I don't think ever
Last Movie: Beauty Parlor
Last Time I Drove: Twenty minutes ago
Last Time Shaved: who knows...
Last Web Site Visited: blogspot
Last Software Installed: Collapse
Last Pill I Had: my BP meds

6 Have You Evers:
Have You Ever Broken the Law: I'm sure I've been speeding
Have You Ever Been Drunk: yep
Have You Ever Climbed a Tree: yep
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: i don't think so
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire or Bomb Blast: yep
Have You Ever Broken Anyone's Heart: yep

5 Things:
Things You Can Hear Right Now: Rolie Polie Olie, the fan, the dog drinking, a car on the street, my typing
Things On Your Bed: my blanket, dan's blanket, julia's blanket, lots of pillows

Things You Ate Today: raisin bran, milk, crescent roll, turkey, cheese...

Things in Mind: It's time to head to dance class

4 Places You Have Been Today: bed, the kitchen, the bathroom, the Y, the neighborhood

3 Things on your desk right now: pictures, bills, craft stuff

2 Choices:Black or White: white Hot or Cold: cold

1 Thing You Want To Do Before You Die: Swim across lake Webb

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

LIke we needed any more ESTROGEN in our house

Yep - you heard me .... It's a third Dougherty girl. Poor, poor Dan... 4 females under one roof. In case you don't know what you are looking at - the pic on the left is of the face - the head is to the left - body to the right... and a hand at the top waving hello! The U/S photo on the right is of a spread eagle little girl - looking up from the bottom! ;)

The U/S was amazing - that level II thing is cool. We saw all four chambers of the heart, the spine, the bones in the legs and arms... ;) This baby is one well documented monkey/alien thing-a-ma-bob. SHE was being rather uncooperative - moving around the entire time. Now I'm panicked - another ANNA baby! We're all in for a world of hurt now! The tech finished up and then sent in the perinatologist - that freaked me out. He said everything looked fine - but he couldn't see exactly what he wanted in the read outs - so he came in to do it.

I'm happy to know what we're having - the long wait is at it's end.... hell - I still have quite a wait don't I! :)

Julia is very disapointed - she sooooooooo wanted a little brother - and now she's cranky. I told her it's Dad's fault - so be cranky at him. He's in charge of the Y chromosome ....

My OB appt went well this morning as well. HER heartbeat was at 162 - and SHE's right above my belly button.

Dan's off looking for a 2nd job to get a larger house with more bathrooms - and pay for 3 weddings! ;) Poor, poor little Dan the man. I keep telling him - he's the man for the job though.

So - thanks for all your email this morning - the blue vibes were SOOO off... but appreciated.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Smell my feet!!!

So - it's done - another holiday that we beat to death... YEAH US!

The kids had a great time going house to house - and our neighbor Todd didn't dissapoint - he has a huge professional sound system that he sets up and plays scary music or Halloween-y tunes - he saw me coming and threw on Thriller. :) It's so much fun seeing lots of people dressed up in their costumes dancing in the street.

So - I was a witch (surprise, surprise) and Dan was a hockey fan. The girls were precious.

Julia is a VERY popular little girl... many little kids squealed "MOMMMMMAAAA - it's JULIA!!! I LOVE HER!" :) That makes a mom's heart happy. :)

Anna was freaking precious in Julia's hand me down lamb costume - she enjoyed shreiking "TREAT" to the people in the houses. She rode in the stroller since after two houses she was done holding hands with her big sister and running all willy nilly in the streets!

So we're all cuddled in our jammies - watching "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" then it's to bed for this family... big day tomorrow!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

WHOO HOO - It's almost Halloween! (m)

I just can NOT freaking wait!

Saturday afternoon we headed to the Pumpkin patch near my parents house (oh yeah - they're home!) and had a great time running around the dusty ground looking for non-rotted somewhat spherical pumpkin (it's 2 days before Halloween - we knew we weren't going to get top pick!) ... we found several good candidates. Well - Anna found nearly 3 dozen pumpkins she wanted - and that litte one does NOT take no for an answer - so we did a lot of pumpkin ditching!

My mom came with us and I think she enjoyed getting to watch the girls frolick in the dirt and Anna reveling in rolling on the ground and throwing clumps of dirt at her sister. Julia had a blast in the haybale maze... it was a good time for all.

Pictures????? You want pictures??? ok - here you go!!